Saturday, July 21, 2012

Swimming with the fishes...

... and other feats of training have been keeping me busy. Volume coming down for the Vineman Half Aqua Bike next week.

A couple of weeks ago, my brother and I drove a couple hours north to check out the course for the HAB. I needed to ride about 1/2 hour longer and wanted to start/stop at the high school.

60+ miles

As I'd been told, the course is beautiful. We rode down shaded country roads.

(Picture by Raymond Prevost c 2012)
We crossed the Russian River.

There's a nicer picture but, it shows my huge butt. (Picture by Raymond Prevost c 2012)
Later in the ride, we had to fill up and drop off. Wouldn't it be lovely if you could go into the store during the race and spend all the time you wanted without it counting on your time?

Jim Town Store - very nice stop (Picture by Raymond Prevost c 2012)

We rode down not so shady country rodes.

(Picture by Raymond Prevost c 2012)
Fast forward to today. Today I had the Catfish Crawl. The Crawl is a little 1.2 or 1.4 mile OWS race down in Chesbro Reservoir. I don't know if they were catfish, but some fish was jumping.

During this race, I improved my Yards Per Minute by over 4 yards per minute! I am less than a yard from doing my pool pace but NOT resting on the wall.

The turn around is at the farthest point of water ... NOT the orange buoy

So after the Crawl, I dashed further south to the BayTeam's CPE trial down in San Martin. I got there just in time to walk the Colors course and then run Shelby who was happy to see me.

Apparently, no one wants to share space with Essie!


  1. Great meeting you today! Good luck at the Aqua Bike! Course looks gorgeous. Thinking about doing the Vineman half next year.

  2. You've been getting lots of solid training in! You're going to have some great races in the next month :)
