Sunday, October 7, 2012

2012 Mighty Mermaids Race Report

When I decided on the races I would do this year, one of the races I had to do was the Mighty Mermaids Triathlon in Capitola. I had done it in 2011 and felt very disappointed in my performance. I had struggled with training before the race. So, I wanted another bite at the apple.

This year, I continued to get every workout in, as planned, and 100%. But, this past week, I had a noticeable lack of enthusiasm. Ocean water swim, hilly bike ride, and a run along the coast, what's not to love?

Once again, Grumpy and I were there super early to get decent parking and transition spot. Turns out, I didn't get too much of a choice where I set up. They had it sectioned by which distance you were doing. But, I got the spot I wanted and then we headed down to the beach.

Zooming in only shows the first buoy

Waiting for the race to start, I could see there was a pattern to the waves - very calm followed by 6-7 large waves then, calm again. Getting in would be fairly easy, just watch the waves getting out.

The swim course was .92 miles out around the wharf and then over to the main beach. The race started and we were off. No problems getting in and finding fast feet. But the swells began and sighting became tricky.

4th buoy was to be taken on your right

Once we made it past the first buoy, I couldn't see any buoys. I followed the largest group of pink caps I could see each time I sighted. But, I couldn't get up to speed. Constantly sighting while moving up and down in the waves kept the dizziness away but, it also slowed me down. When I rounded the final outside buoy, I was looking straight into the sun. I couldn't see then 4th buoy. I couldn't see other women. Luckily, Thumper came along. She seemed to be able to see. She was going a little slower than I wanted but, she was going on course and I could follow her thumps when when she kicked in the water.  By following her feet, I got to shore feeling less winded than last year.

Swim: 39:18 (2011 34:30)  (some of the women said later that it was longer - my Garmin measure 1.06 miles)

T1: 8:54 (2011 9:39)   It was the same .52 mile run up to transition in a wetsuit. I'm stoked as I wanted to make this faster than last year.

Off on the bike finally. I planned to start off slowly and get some carbs into me early and often on the bike. As I started, there were lots of women from the sprint and duathlon leaving transition too. I passed some. Some passed me. Then, we hit Rio Del Mar. Time to get out of the saddle and pump. I lost track of any one that had been with me. Passed some more riding and walking up the hill and then they all dropped away. I passed their turnaround and I was on my own for a long while. 

Some day I'll learn to leap off the bike
Eventually, I started seeing other Olympic distance women out there. They added a new, short, but steep hill near the turnaround which was the final out of the saddle and then wheeeeeeeeeeeee down hill. Oh, but we had to go back up and over that again. I was passing lots of women at this point. I felt slow the whole time and was ready to get on with the run.

Bike:   1:46:58  (2011 1:45:30)

T2: 1:26 (2011 2:08) 
Now for the run. First mile was to just get my legs under me and get some carbs into me.  Then, I was to go into the 10K pace for 1 mile/ease off for 2 minutes intervals that I used in Santa Cruz back in August. I don't know if it is because I've been focused on my upcoming half marathon or not but, I couldn't get 10k pace in my legs. So, I adjusted. I went for steady almost half marathon pace. They changed the course this year to be less hilly and only the finish is through the sand. 

Taken on my preview of the course
As I hit mile 6, I realized that I might actually have a 10k PR if I could just hold on to my pace through the sand. I actually ran through the water rather then moving up on the loose dry sand. Then finally, moving up through the dry sand to push across the finish line.

Run: 1:06:43 (2011 1:13:00)  PR!!!!

Overall: 3:43:21 (2011 3:44:29) 

This wasn't my idea of how this race would go. But, I know I worked for it. There wasn't any point that I could have found a way to move faster. I'm satisfied.... And, I finally broke that 10K time I've had for 2 years!!

My 2012 Triathlon season is done. It's been a really great year. Now, let me at that hilly half marathon!


  1. Congratulations!!!! The run is where you really start seeing the improvements in your bike strength...and that is a hilly course so you really rocked it!!!

  2. Woot! Nice job. I actually looked at doing the Du but the bike course and running in the sand deterred me :) Awesome job on a tough course!
