Monday, June 10, 2013

The Ride to Hell and Back.

Haven't blogged much lately so, here's a recap of Saturday's bike ride -- both the longest ride of the year and the hottest day of the year.

Saturday started off with a lovely 30 minute (instead of 60 minute -- I misread that) swim. That out of the way, it was time for the bike ride. The goal was to do at least 60 EASY miles in 4 1/2 hours. I decided to hit the canyon from the backside which means the first 2 1/2 hours were mostly flat cutting through some suburbs and small town downtown neighborhoods. Highs were forecast to be in the 90's.

I froze 2 bottles of water and 2 sport drinks leaving 2 sport drinks immediately read. The 2 frozen bottles of water fit nicely into my cycling jersey (love the deep pockets). It was already 72 when I started. No sooner had I started, when I dropped the chain. I am spatially challenged so had to take everything off the bike so I could turn the bike upside down to fix it. Great, now my hands are COVERED in bike grease and I'm only 30 seconds into my 4 1/2 hour ride. I used my 1 and only tissue to clean up.

Heading south and about 30 minutes later, I was on the outskirts of the city. Endorphins were kicking in. I loved my family. I loved my coach. I loved my friends. I loved you guys.... (really, this is what goes on in my head). Away from the buildings and trees, there was nothing to protect me from the wind. The thing about this area is that when it's hot in the bay area, it is hotter in the central valley. This creates strong winds that I hadn't taken in to consideration. So, it was 30 minutes tucked as aero as could manage until I was in the next town... right past the slaughter house with the cooking urine burning my sinus. Finally into town, I was now going east which meant I wasn't taking the brunt of the wind either.

It was nice to be out in the farmlands away from the wind but, the roads are highly washboarded. I struggled to keep the pace up because it hurt and because I didn't feel in control on those roads. 30 minutes of feeling like jack hammering, I was very glad to turn west again and head for the canyon where I'd be out of the wind and for a little while, under trees. All through the ride, I did a body check. Arms feel good. Wrists are a little sore - is there a better position? How's my peddling? Am I toe up or down? Up hurts the Achilles. Down hurts the knees. How much fluid have I had. Is it time for a salt tab or a gel? etc...

Up until now, the ride was rather flat. 35 miles in, I had a category 5 climb up into the far side of the canyon. The air was stagnant. It was draining but, at least it was in shade. I stayed in the saddle, went to the lowest gear I had, and spun my way up. I stopped at the reservoir and re-arranged my bottles. All of the frozen bottles were luke warm by now. It was nice to have plain water after all that sweet sports drink. It was really hot by now.

But, the climbing isn't done at this reservoir. I had 2 more to go by. I made it up the next set of hills by staying in the saddle, low gear, and spinning. 3 hours/40 miles, I was fried. It was sweltering. The road was endless. Nothing to do but keep peddling. No sense in pushing. Just peddle. I'm not calling Grumpy to come pick me up. Just peddle. Have some more sport drink. Have some more water. OHHHH, feel that little breeze. Is it time to eat another gel. Stand up and let some blood flow into your but. c****. I don't have a tissue and I really have to blow my nose ... did you know that snot wiped on ones bike shorts provides a cooling effect?

I finally made it to the top of the last big hill. As I swooped down out of the hills and turned the corner to face the city, I was hit by the hottest wind I have ever felt - furnace hot. The wind I fought early when I went south, had shifted and now, I got to fight it the last 30 minutes of my ride.

It wasn't the funnest ride I've ever done. I finished 61.28 miles in 4:22 and pretty much said FU to trying to make it to a full metric century. Checked the outside temperature - 101F. Used all the ice I had to make an ice bath which melted as soon as I got in there. Managed to only sun burn the side of my wrists.

So, now it's rest week. I wonder how long it will take for me to get bored?

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy that rest week while you can!!!!! Just a few more big weeks and it'll be taper time before you know it. THEN you will really miss this stuff!
