Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Magically Appearing Fitness

I started working with my coach back in December. She had me do a lot of low RPE running and really not any speed work. Just endurance runs with the occasional strides. For a beginner, this is a lot harder than you might think. Run after run, I struggled to keep it slow and easy. Eventually, the runs migrated to a mix of RPE/Heart Rate based efforts. But, still the effort was low. 

Miles and miles of running but, I haven't noticed any difference in speed. However, in the last month or so, I've been nailing these low effort runs. Suddenly, coach said it might be time for another run test.

Really? I'm still slow. What is coach seeing that I'm not?

I nailed Sunday's run so, I decided to compare a similar run I did in December with Sunday's run. First, I looked at speed. December was a smidgeon faster -- well, that's disappointing. But, wait. My average HR on that December run was 160bpm. Whereas, my average HR on Sunday's run was 144 bpm! A WHOPPING 16bpm less! That's a complete HR Zone!

So, looks like it might be time for another Run Test -- gulp.


  1. Exciting!!!! I bet you see some serious improvement on this run test :)

  2. It's not magically appearing, you've worked hard to earn it! I'm going to sit and wait patiently to hear how that runt test goes!

  3. Ha! It's not like I'm going to suddenly start running 7:00!
