Monday, January 19, 2015

Consistently Mindful Training

"Without a doubt consistent training is the most important aspect of training"

Several months ago, a friend wrote about how consistency in training was pretty much poppy-cock (my words not hers). Her reasoning was that she had spent years consistently getting the work in and really didn't see the vast improvements she thought she would. She argued that mindfulness was the most important.

I too spent the early part of last year consistently doing the workouts but, not fully focused. I completely agree that just consistency is the complete reality. 

I think Consistently Mindful Training is the key. Being in the moment and actively evaluating how it is going - too hard, not hard enough, more fuel, less fuel, don't forget to hydrate - is part of it. But, the other is looking for areas to push and excel.

Don't be foolish.

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance


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