Monday, August 29, 2011

Vacation Maddness: Part II

Flying out to Nebraska at the end of August really seemed like a mad idea at the time. I mean, who goes to Nebraska at the height of heat and humidity?

First stop not even out of Omaha: some restaurant that Grumpy saw on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives - enough said.

Next stop: Lincoln and a beer with the Girl Child and her friends in the Hay Market. - Nice.

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Memorial Stadium
Lincoln is know for its many running trails -- of which I couldn't find any. Instead, I ran around the University. I'd see one runner after another and latch on for as long as I could see them. I was reminded of drafting while swimming ... just not that close. Beautiful campus.

Imagine my surprise when I realized that the first race that I fly to ends up being Grumpy's race!
5th Annual Ultra Mud Run

Grumpy, Girl Child, Candidate

Grumpy did the 5k which was took him by corn fields and into 2 mud pits. He was upset with the spectator that told him there was beer a mile up -- there was NO beer on this run!


A little clean up and we were off for a brief viewing of the ZombieFest, hitting as many breweries as Grumpy could handle (never came close to challenging him).

Favorite Eats: Pepperoni Rolls and very potent Strawberry Margarita (only took 1).
Training: Very little, but lot's of eating. Lost 3lbs.... probably lost muscle.

One more vacation day left. I've got a bit of my mojo back so, it's back to masters in the morning. Hope it's a big volume day since my numbers for this month are beyond pitiful.

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