Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013 Silicon Valley International Triathlon

Last Sunday, Grumpy and I drove down to a local reservoir about 25 minutes south of us. I chose this race to work on the run after the bike.

Uvas Reservoir
The forecast was for a beautiful day with a high of 85F. At the crack of dawn, it appeared to be on track.

Ramp for Swim In
After finding a nice transition spot by the Run/Bike Out, I met up with Grumpy and waited to warm up.

After warming up, Grumpy and I made our way down to the shore line. I met up with the 15-20 50+ year old women that were in my wave. We chatted. I scoped out the fast ones.

The swim course was a nice counter clockwise swim around the little peninsula and up the nicely carpeted boat ramp. However, the swim start was about 150 yards out! Waves were going off every 4 minutes. As soon as the wave before us took off, we started to swim out. This is when I realized that I'd left my ear plugs! It felt like forever. I couldn't feel vertigo coming on. I began to think I wasn't going to make it there before the horn. Seconds after I got there, I heard the horn but realized there was still a wave ahead of us! Good. I had 4 more minutes to pull myself together and get rid of the dizziness.

I lined up behind the speedsters and we were all lined up to the far left (shortest line possible). The horn went off. I went with the speedsters ... and they were gone!  In the picture below, I'm the middle swimmer with the head up and arm up. It was the 3 of us on the short line. Every one was far to the right. They did this last year and I can't figure it out. Simple geometry says the my line would be the shortest distance. There is no current.

Two strokes and they were gone

So, I was on my own... again. The plan was to moderately swim with long, full strokes. I didn't pass any one and once past the first buoy, no one except the very fastest relay swimmers in the final wave after me.

Swim: 30:21 (4+ minute course PR)

Imagine having to walk after spinning around and around for 30+ minutes. I was very dizzy getting out of the water and did all I could to move swiftly through transition. Yep. I sat down to get my wetsuit off.

Better to sit, than to do some damage trying to be cool
T1: 2:10 (second fasted in AG)

Still dizzy getting out to the mount line but, once on the bike - no more dizziness. Plan for the bike was to stay in my Oly power range. Keep the power up on the flats and down hill but, be reasonable on the uphills. I also wanted to keep the nutrition flowing on the same schedule I used last year. I nailed both!

No one passed me. However, I passed men and women all the way through the course. Yeah me!

Bike: 1:33:43

T2: 1:10 (fastest in AG)

By now the temperature is was in the mid-upper 70's. This was the test. How were my legs going to do after 1 1/2 hours of Oly watts and how would my core do with the temperature. The run course was a rolling run course mostly with out shade. In the past, I've melted. But, I was determined to beat this.  In preparation, I had done several runs in "warmer" temperatures. I also brought 2 10oz bottles with sport drink for the run. Water stations were every mile and at each water station I poured 1-2 cups of water all over me.

The first 2.5 miles weren't bad. At about 2.5 - 3.1 miles there is a double hump that is a bit steeper. I slowed to make sure I had enough to carry me through. By mile 5, you just bake. There are no trees to provide even the sparsest of shade. But, I wasn't going to slow. By mile 6, I gave it everything I had.
I almost LOOK like a triathlete!

Run: 1:06:59 (8+ minute course PR)
Overall: 3:14:23

Last fall, I sent coach my list of 2013 races and goals for each. The goal I had for this race was 3:15!

Overall, I'm pretty happy with this race. I focused on the process and had a great time. Everything is coming along. I just need to keep doing the work and following the plan. Some day I'll get that run down below 1 hour.


  1. No almost!!! You ARE an athlete! Great job on the PR!!!!

  2. Congrats on a huge PR! I love that photo of you on the run, you are so strong and it shows!
